July 2, 2008

A Day of Craziness

The Chambers and Daines got together and had a fun day of making season blocks and we wanted to show you how fun they turned out. We also had fun with the pineapple glasses. Look at Brooklyn, Braden and Christina!!!


OccupyThis said...

Alright! The blocks turned out great and aren't those Chambers kids the cutest? Thanks again mom and dad for the fun phone call yesterday. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hey another update! I love it when Melanie comes and visits you guys! Haha, I think I found out the birthday present, but they are SO cute! I'm excited :) And, oh my it was so fun talking to those kids yesterday! I just want to give them a huge hug! It looks like you guys had some good fun :) Love you!

Chambers Clan said...

That was fun mom! I'm glad we could enjoy a day together without going anywhere. I look forward to those days. I needed it! And thanks dad for playing with the kids (and of course you too Joanna!) It meant a lot to them - and me! Hopefully we can get together soon to finish those up:)