November 22, 2008

Joanna's Girl's Choice

Today was the Girl's Choice dance at Sky View High School. Joanna went with a blind date with a guy the girl in blue asked her to ask. She didn't have to twist Joanna's arm too much. She does not like dances and she is not big on dating much yet. I am glad she decided to go and the group looks like they will have fun. P.S. Joanna's eyes turned out really red so we photoshoped them to make her look more like a vampire. Worked eh?


LeeAnne said...

What fun! I had never been much into dances when I was in high school, but then we moved to Logan my Senior year and they were SO much more fun than the ones in NJ. Hope Joanna had a great time!! Cute date, by the way ;)

Hanne and Fam said...

It is always fun to just hang out with friends even if you don't want to dance. Joji looks sooo pretty!

Anonymous said...

hey, he looks pretty cute! I'm glad you had more fun than the last one joji! Dances really are fun. But you look like you really did have fun :) and i'll bet you just wanted to look like a vampire in honor of Twilight, right? :) love you!

Anonymous said...

I don't get why all my dates go on mom and dad's blog. I guess their lives are too boring to find a theme for their posts:)

Chambers Clan said...

You are so funny Joanna, I had fun being there! You are an exciting person whether you want to be or not. Maybe they make it on there because I'm always around to help mom out. You'll need to show her. Thanks for the help yesterday with the name places for thanksgiving! Can't wait to see you again!

MegaPPod said...

Looks like she was having fun in the pics! I can't believe she is such a beautiful young woman now. I'm getting old!

Carli said...

Aw! I miss you guys so much! I even live in Utah. Melanie and I have talked about getting together, but it has not happened yet! Joanna is so big! Last I saw her, she was a she is in high school?!?!