May 10, 2008

Hi everyone. Sorry that I've taken so much time but I did try to post a blog a couple of weeks ago. My bad. I am just writing a few of the highlights of DC. #1 The Tidal Basin. This walk was gorgeous!There were cool paddle boats floating in there and that looked fun but I am glad we didn't do that. Sorry that these pictures are messing up but at least you can see them right? #2 Mermaid Man. There was a way cool statue in one of the bridges we walked across. It was the coolest and ugliest thing I've ever seen. #3 Air Force Memorial. As you can see, we have Melanie, Devin, and Dad with the three pillars and the moon in the background. These puppies were massive. #658 The Smithsonian Castle. Wow it was pretty and I was in love. I swore to myself that I am going to live in a castle! I would show more and or tell more but these pictures are being crappy on me. Ha ha so I think I'll go before I punch the wall or something. -Jo (p.s. don't comment on my poor picture inserting. I can do it another route but that takes too long so you can just call me crazy)


Chambers Clan said...

OK Crazy:) I'm glad you took the time to show me those pictures. They are cool. It was sure fun to spend the day with you! Thanks for that...We'll have to do it again soon. Maybe you can steal the van and come down to Brigham...We have a project to start:)

BigEd said...

Good to hear from you Jo, and glad you got to go out there. Such a great city!

Anonymous said...

so it's been a long time since your last post. But i started a blog!! its at