January 13, 2008


What a beginning! Yesterday, Melissa and Creighton exchanged a ring and an answer. But it was far more romantic than that. Creighton had prepared well to make the moment a memorable one. We will leave it to Melissa to fill you in on the details. Among our favorites was Creighton's gift of a new set of scriptures, complete with the engraved name "Melissa D. Lewis." We are absolutely thrilled! Melissa is tender in years, but she has stuffed more good living into her young life than many people do in half a lifetime. Creighton is young, too, but mature . . . and wise . . . and kind, well beyond his time on the planet. They are and will be a wonderful, powerful, pair. As soon as we figure out the next thing (how to include photos) we will serve you some visuals to go along with this text. Please forgive our fuddy-duddyness.


Chambers Clan said...

I think it looks wonderful and I'm sure you will fill that inkwell with lots of "wittiness". Yeah and you didn't even need my help!! Thanks for your comments and info on ours. Sure love you all! Congrats Melissa!! I'm so excited...Let me in on the details :)

OccupyThis said...

Alright!! I knew you guys would be natural bloggers. We aren't nearly as entertaining with our words as you are. That is why we HAVE to include pictures in our blog. It looks great already, and we are sure excited to see you guys, in all of your fuddy-duddyness and glory, go beyond the limits of your tech-saavyness and start the blog. We are way excited for Melissa, and welcome Creighton into the family with open arms and hearts. They will make an all-star pair, and we are excited to see where the Lord will take them. Tell her to give us a call (when she isn't too busy with her fiancee, of course) to provide all of the juicy details! We love you guys and congratulate you on your new creation!

BigEd said...

Exciting indeed, Melissa. Just make sure Creighton is prepared to keep the rest of your life exciting as well. CONGRATULATIONS!

MegaPPod said...

I have been waiting for an eternity for the details. Get back to blogging!